Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello Again,

It has been a long time but I will be updating more in the future. The world is changing in very unique and sometimes disturbing ways. Change, and I don't mean Obama's change, is always uncomfortable but necessary if we are to create new ways of viewing and living in the world. This change is not about maintaining the status quo but living life as an adventure which means facing the unknown. It also requires that you become more aware of what you are and how you interact with your environment from all aspects of your being :physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. In order to explore this aspect of yourself you have to place more emphasis on your right brain thinking. You have to understand that you may not be able to squeeze your experience into the box of reality that you have been taught. The important thing about life is to experience. I am not sure it is about learning or acting out karma or any of the other ideas we have because man is always trying to figure out why. Maybe we are just here to have fun and enjoy and create. I will leave you with something to think about. Let us start with the typical lifestyle of most people in the industrialized nations. Most of us are born into a rather sterile environment in a hospital. When we are old enough we are put in daycare. Then we go to kindergarten where we eventually end up in school. There we have 12 years - going 5 days a week excluding holidays or other adverse conditions or when we are allowed. Then most of us are taught to go to college for at least another 4 years. Then we get a job and spend the next 40 or so years at a job. In the meantime we may marry and have children and participate in hobbies, etc. By the way all the extra activities have to be done around school or the job. Then you die. It is interesting that going to school, going to a job are activities that most of us are not very fond of. Then you die. Think about it - is this all life is about.